What DOES SelectCCS cost and is it covered by insurance?
Speak with your healthcare provider about the costs and benefits of SelectCCS. Typically genetic screening of embryos for IVF treatment is not covered by insurance plans and most patients will have to cover some or all of the expense. Patients are required to provide payment information prior to the start of the cycle; however payment will not be processed until we receive your samples for testing.
In 2013 RMANJ donated SelectCCS to the Foundation for Embryonic Competence (FEC), a non-profit organization dedicated to improving outcomes and advancing knowledge in the areas of research, diagnosis, and education. All fees from SelectCCS testing go directly to the FEC and are used to support research and education (www.feclabs.org).
How is SelectCCS different from older or other forms of PGD?
Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) refers to any testing of embryos that occurs prior to transfer. Single Gene PGD looks for specific genetic diseases such as cystic fibrosis. This can only be performed in couples who are known carriers of these diseases. Comprehensive Chromosome Screening (CCS) refers to the ability to count the total number of chromosomes in an embryo to determine aneuploidy status. SelectCCS has demonstrated a ≥98.6% accuracy rate, a dramatic improvement over older forms of PGD.
In April 2012 some of the latest validation research for SelectCCS was published in Fertility & Sterility, the scientific journal of the American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), and recognized as a seminal contribution to the field of reproductive endocrinology. SelectCCS is the first aneuploidy screening to demonstrate effectiveness in single embryo transfer (SET) cases. Ask your physician how SelectCCS can help you build your family one baby at a time.
Unlike other PGD service providers, SelectCCS is owned and operated by the Foundation for Embryonic Competence (FEC), a non-profit organization dedicated to embryonic research and education.
What happens to my embryos during the SelectCCS process?
The SelectCCS process requires that only a few cells are safely biopsied and sent for analysis, so your embryos never leave the care and security of your physician’s IVF laboratory.
How long before results are available?
SelectCCS results will be ready in about two weeks unless your provider has stated otherwise. Your physician will receive an in-depth report which will enable you to select only euploid embryos for IVF transfer and improving your chances for success.
How does using SelectCCS support infertility research and others?
While developed and validated by the physicians and scientists at RMANJ over the last several years, in 2013 RMANJ donated SelectCCS to the Foundation for Embryonic Competence (FEC), a non-profit organization dedicated to improving outcomes and advancing knowledge in the areas of research, diagnosis, and education. By using SelectCCS you’re not only improving your chances for success in IVF, you’re also helping to support future research that will help hopeful parents everywhere.